Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Can I take zinc and vitaminC for a long time?

Question: How useful are zinc and vitamin C 1,000 mg to the body? And can I take them for a long time?

Answer: In general, food helps to absorb vitamins and minerals. So vitamins and minerals should be taken with or after food. However, the body will usually get vitamins and minerals from food. Therefore, vitamin or mineral supplements should be eaten only when necessary as in the case of the elderly. Elderly people will have reduced absorption of food. It may cause a deficiency of vitamins or minerals. But if there is no risk of lack of vitamins or minerals, vitamins and supplements should not be eaten. Because it may get the vitamins or minerals in excessive amounts until it can adversely affect the body.

Zinc is a mineral that used in the process of the body. It is used as catalysts in combination with various enzymes which is important to the functioning of organs such as growth, tissue regeneration and etc. Generally the body gets zinc from the diet, but lack of zinc can be found in people with problem of absorption.
Each person needs a different amount of zinc based on gender and age. Zinc usually should not be taken more than 40 mg per day.
To get zinc in excessive quantities, it may interfere with the functioning of various systems such as metabolism of copper and iron, or it may cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and etc. However, eating zinc for a long time should be in the care of a physician.

Vitamin C normally should be taken in 50-60 milligrams daily for adults, but in certain conditions such as pregnant women, smoker, people with frequent colds, it should take vitamin c more than normal.
There were no reports about the toxicity of vitamin C. The most common side effects occur in gastrointestinal tract (when vitamin C is eaten in high doses), such as abdominal discomfort, diarrhea.

Since most of the nutrients and vitamins can get from the diet. If we eat nutritious food which contains 5 groups of carbohydrate, protein, fat, vegetables and fruits. Vitamin or supplements may not be needed, because it may have the opportunity of dangerous from excessive eating.

1. Drug Information Handbook, 19th Edition 2010-2011.

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