Saturday, June 7, 2014

How to quit smoking successfully

world no tobacco day
For World No Tobacco Day, people who want to stop smoking.  Should behave according to the following ways to give up smoking:
1.    Consider how many good results smoking brings.
2.    Consider how many bad results smoking brings.
3.    If bad results outnumber good results, one should decide to stop smoking.
4.    The heart of giving up smoking is a strong determination.
One must resolve that from now on smoking days will be entirely over.
5.    Make a vow in front of those one loves, such as one’s children or wife, or in front of anyone who is important to you by saying, “May you be my witness in my effort to give up smoking for good.”
6.     Bring oneself out of the environment where people smoke.
7.     After giving up smoking, one should never take it up again.

Remember this slogan: “Love your health and love your life, say ‘NO’ to smoking”

By V.Vachiramedhi Bhikku